01 February 2010

invitation. rsvp?

Jesus, as a prophet in today’s gospel, challenges His own people to a new way of living, a new way of seeing things. Ironically, they yearn for a new and better existence while rejecting the very means to reach the wholeness, freedom, and peace they desire. How stubbornly they resist Jesus’ prophetic invitation to accept a wider vision of the loving, inclusive reign of God.

Everyone committed to others in Christ, whether parent, teacher, friend, or employer, will at times be called and challenged by God to prophetically confront suffering and division, to help lead the world toward peace and new life. Paul reveals that the key to doing this is love itself. Without love, whatever we do or say will never ring true or move hearts. It is love that enables us to be truly compassionate, understanding, patient, forgiving, accepting of others. Love sustains our courage with the power to endure and carries us confidently through every challenge. The source of that love is God the Father who raised Jesus from death to new life.

-Rev. Michael Traher, SFM, Living with Christ

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