20 May 2008

Two Priest. Two Nuns. One Latin Phrase.

Two priests go to New York City for a fall weekend get-away. While there, the weather takes a seasonal turn for the worse. Realizing that they only brought spring outerwear, they head into a department store to buy fall overcoats. For obvious reasons, they tell the store clerk that they want black overcoats. The clerk brings them two wool overcoats.

While they like the style and fit, the priests note that the coats appear to be a dark navy blue and that they must insist only purchasing only black ones. The clerk says that the coats are indeed black but under the store's fluorescent lighting, they only appear to have a blue-ish tint. After a brief discussion between the priests and the clerk, the priests begrudgingly accept the sales clerk's assertion that the coats are, indeed, black. Still skeptical but trusting, the priests purchase the coats.

A short time later, the two priests are walking down the street wearing their coats when they run into two nuns from a nearby convent taking a walk around the block. "Excuse me, Sister," one of the priests says, "but would you be so kind as to tell me what color the coat I am wearing is?"

"It is navy blue, Father," replies one of the nuns.

The one priest mumbles something to the other under his breath. The two clergymen thank the nuns for their time, assure them of their prayers and continue on with their walk.

"How great it was to hear priests speaking in Latin," the one nun mentions to the other as they, too, continue on their walk. "But did you understand what they said?"

"No, Sister, I'm afraid I'm not that good with Latin. We will have to remember it so we can ask Mother Superior what it means when we return to the convent."

"Not a problem," the first nun replies, "I remember it exactly. The one priest distinctly said to the other: Neiman Marcus fuctus."

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