02 April 2008

Third Paragraph...

Yet glorified as he is, Jesus is still with us on our pilgrimage, and wants to share his Easter understanding with the Church as he travels with us down the long road of history. He wants to lead us into his own experience of the Father, into that 'knowing' between Father and Son which needed Easter to make it perfect in Christ's manhood.

The story in Luke 24 of the disciples going to Emmaus is a work of genius. The two travellers are not just two people who happened to be there that night; they are the Church, they are you and I, because this is Luke's inspired picture of how things are in the Easter Church, the Church of Word and Sacrament: the long journey, the distress and bewilderment, the knowing yet not knowing, the patient tenderness of Christ as he tries to open their minds to understand the Scriptures, their burning hearts, their eventual recognition that they have indeed known the Lord in the breaking of the bread of the Word and the bread of Eucharist.

The word is not always clarifying; it is mysterious, because it is the presence and self-communication of God. It is not always informative; it is performative, creative: changing and converting and renewing us. And there is something about the journey, the long experience of the road, that makes us able to hear it.

The Coming of God
Maria Boulding, OSB

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